It’s that time of the year when the Hurley is closed to vehicles and open to sled traffic. Thanks to Gerry for this update and photo. My attempt to drive the Hurley failed this afternoon. From the Pemberton side. The truck no longer made headway in heavy wet snow short of the Semiphore Lakes trailhead….

Nov 12 Update
Thanks to Greg and Lois for the update and photos. Today the 13th it is raining hard in the valley at plus 2 deg and snowing a couple hundred feet above so expect more snow up at the summit elevation. We drove the Hurley from Goldbridge at 3:00pm November 12th saw no other vehicles but…
Nov 11 Update
Thanks to Scott for the latest update and photo. Came over from Pemberton. 3km of snow but totally doable for trucks. Had chains but didn’t need them. If you choose to drive the Hurley at this time of the year be prepared to experience all kinds of weather and winter driving conditions. Winter driving skills,…

Nov 8 Update
Thanks to Hayden for the Friday photo! Temps warmed up! Thanks to Ashley for the latest post and photos from Thursday . This road is a commitment! There was an abandoned vehicle closer to the top heading up, quite deep in some areas. If you choose to drive the Hurley at this time of the…
Nov 6 Update
There is snow on the road from Gwenyth Lake area to the Tenquille branch. Snow at the summit is deep 20-30 cm and passing vehicles will be challenging if you go outside of the tracks and don’t have chains. Some icy spots. If you choose to drive the Hurley at this time of the year…

Nov 2 Update
Thanks to Jim for another Hurley update. Hurley has snow from just south of Gold Bridge to just north of Tenquille. Appears to have been lots of traffic as snow is all compacted. 11:00 am November 2nd minus 3 and 5” snow at the pass. Photo looking south at the pass. If you choose to…

Nov 1st Update
Thanks to John for the latest update and photo. Light snow falling. About 4 inches of snow packed from about 25km on the Gold Bridge side to the summit. No snow about 12km down, near the Tenquille TH. If you choose to drive the Hurley at this time of the year be prepared to experience…
Oct 31 Update
Thanks to Chuck for the latest update: Came down the Hurley today from Bralorne via the East Hurley between 10 and 11am. The E Hurley is as rough as usual but no snow or other issues other than the same old pot holes. The middle section from the steel bridge to the summit was better…

Oct 29 Update
Thanks to Jim for the latest update. October 29th travelled north on the Hurley, it is in similar shape to what we have come to expect, many potholes. As was the Lillooet FSR. There was approximately 4 km of frozen slush across the summit at 10:00 am, temp was minus 2 degrees. No issues with travel…

Oct 19 Snow Update
Thanks to Deb for sending in the latest photos. About 2km of deep snow at the summit and raining.1.29pm An update to this post and there is snow for 5km at the summit. Temp is 1C at the top and the downhill to Pemberton is slippery. If you choose to drive the Hurley at this…

Oct 18 Snow Update
Thanks to Gerry for this update. Crossed the summit around 2pm today from Gold Bridge. 2 inches of snow down to the 22km sign post on the Pemberton side. More rain is expected in the next 3 days so expect this snow to continue. Today Gun Lake received 1.3mm of rain and the forecast is…
Oct 9 Grading Update
The Hurley is currently being graded and the operator is working hard under the not so great conditions. Snow came down low last night and the summit may have snow on the road this morning. This is an update from the operator. Over the last three years that we have been looking after the grading…
Grading Update
Good news! The grader started working on the road yesterday and it will receive a full grade which will be the last one of the year. Reports of snow falling at the summit but not sticking to the road. If you choose to drive the Hurley at this time of the year be prepared to…
Oct 1 Update
I’ve heard lots of comments about how rough the Hurley is lately and this latest update from Charles confirms it! Did a day trip to Gun from Pemberton Sept 29. There was a grader parked just after the forestry bridge, not sure if he was starting or finished, the flats were reasonable, switchbacks were lightly…
September 16 Update
The Hurley is reported to be rough on the hills. A vehicle lost it’s load about 2km after the steel bridge, Gold Bridge bound so watch for debris on the road. Several people have commented on the amount of 2 wheel drive cars on the road. The popularity of Semaphore Lakes is likely contributing to…