Interior Roads were able to finish clearing the Hurley a day earlier than expected and it’s open today! Yaaaay! 2wd not recommended. We are looking for some awesome opening weekend Hurley photos! The best photo entries will win a Hurley T-Shirt. Send your photos to to enter the contest by early next week! We…
Month: May 2012
Hurley Opening Friday!
HURLEY IS OPEN Thursday May 31! We just received word from Interior Roads that they have almost completed clearing snow from the summit of the Hurley! The road should be open for Friday, just in time for the weekend!! Another update will be made when it’s officially open. If you are coming over on Friday…
Snow Clearing Update Continued….
The crew is still working on clearing the snow at the summit but progress slowed right down after the bigger D8 working the Pemberton side broke down. Talking with the workers yesterday, they still have about 2.5 km to go. At the rate they have been moving it could take another 5 days to…
Snow clearing update
MOF has finished clearing the avalanche debris and grading and brushing of their section will be finished by the end of the week. Interior Roads are back at work plowing the summit after getting avalanche clearance from the technicians today. They have two cats working in 12 feet of snow. They are approaching the summit…
Hurley Update
Interior Roads crews were working at both ends with dozers this week but unfortunately one broke down so that has caused a bit of a delay, a dozer is still working from the Pemberton side. Forestry had finished clearing up the winter avalance debris last week and are working on brushing and grading their section…
Hurley Contest and Update
I SURVIVED THE HURLEY CONTEST – CONTEST CLOSED FOR GUESSING! Guess the day the Hurley will be open to vehicle traffic and be in the running to win a “I Survived The Hurley” T Shirt and Bumper Sticker! Update regarding the avalanche fly over scheduled for April 16…….. The Ministry of Transportation trip to assess…