Thanks to Scott Frizzell for the latest Hurley update and photo: Came west over the Hurley at 9 am. 5-7 cm fresh in the pass on top of yesterday’s grading/plow. Great shape! This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road conditions to or post in the comments below. If…
Month: November 2018
Nov 22 Update
Thanks to Shawn Sadler for the latest Hurley update and photos: Traveled Bralorne to Pemberton @ 3pm. Freezing rain on all of east Hurley, very slippery, sheet of ice. East Hurley junction to hope Creek decent. 27km snow, more grip with 6inch fresh snow top of Hurley pass. Hill down from pass took slowly but…
Nov 16 Update
Nov 16 at 10am. We have received another update this morning and conditions have changed since the messy conditions night. Thanks to Scott Frizzell for the latest update and photos. Came west over the Hurley at 10am. Single lane hard pack to the pass. The grader is working plowing snow from the pass west and…
Nov 15 Update
Nov 15 at 5:30 pm. The Hurley has snow from about the 22 mark coming from Gold Bridge down to the 10. Last night was not a fun night. Truck was in slow motion sliding over the bank. A Huge shout out to Kathy from Back country Snowcats. She stumbled across me and did everything…
Nov 14 Update
Update from Nov 15th: I drove over at 1.00pm. It was raining at the summit and it was a scary drive and lucky I didn’t meet anyone coming the other way, it was very slippery and lots of snow at the summit. The graders were working on the bottom 8km which was nice. There is…
Nov 10 Update
Thanks to Robin Naidoo for the latest Hurley update from the weekend. Snow is in the forecast for the next few days so please keep sending in road updates. Drove the Hurley from Pemberton at about 3pm today. Most of it was bare and in good condition; towards the summit there was hard-packed snow that…
Nov 6 Update
Thanks to Scott Frizzell for the latest Hurley update and photo. Came west over the Hurley Tuesday morning. Road is bare. 2 degrees and snowing lightly at the pass. Road is good in spots and not so good in others. Lillooet FSR still has lots of pot holes. This site is based on Hurley driver…