Thanks to Kathy from Backcountry Snowcats for the latest Hurley update. The road has been narrowed between the new zero (Railroad Creek Bridge valley floor) and Hope Creek turn off due to the dirt piles. They have re-ditched it and left the dirt piles. Past the Hope turnoff, I don’t know as I haven’t been…
Month: August 2020
August 10 update
Thanks to Scott Frizzell for the latest Hurley update and photo. Came west across the Hurley 10AM Monday. Busy and equipment working on the road. Excavator working between 8-9 mark on the Pemberton side. Road is in good shape, tip to tail. This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road…
August 7 Update
Conflicting reports on Hurley conditions after the grading. Some folks say it’s in great shape and others say it was in great shape but after the heavy traffic on the long weekend it’s not as good. The traffic and parking along the sides of the road going to the hiking areas at the Hurley summit…