Logging operations have been shut down due to the hot and dry weather however, Aspen Planers will be log hauling on the Gold Bridge side of the Hurley starting Tuesday 25 July. They will be running 10 trucks per day from 17km on the Bridge Main and down Road 40 to Lillooet. Starting loading at 4am and loading will be finished by 10am so expect to see the last truck on the Hurley around noon each day. Expect heavy dust if you see a truck and drive with caution.
The Whistler Ironman biking event is held on the Pemberton Meadows Road and the road will be closed on Sunday July 30 from 8.45am to 4.30pm. More information at this link: Ironman Road Closures
The contest for the first Hurley trip of the season photo contest has closed and you can vote on your favourite entry on the Bridge River Valley Facebook page.
Fire Danger is extreme and there is a total fire ban which means no campfires, fireworks, bear bangers and no tossing cigarette butts! Be aware that a hot exhaust from your vehicle, dirt bike or ATV can ignite dry grass easily so keep that in mind when you pull over. If you see smoke or a wildfire, report it by calling 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on your cell when you get back into cell range mid way in the Pemberton Meadows. Information about fires can be found at the BC Wildfire website.
The Goat Mountain Produce Stand opened this week so bring some cash to buy some farm fresh veggies!

I came down the Hurley on Friday June 30th from Gold Bridge to Pemberton.
When I went to unlock my hubs at the bottom I noticed that my Bull Bar on the front of my truck didn’t survive the Hurley and had broken off and was gone.
it was black made out of 6 inch diameter tube it had a stainless steel skid plate attached that had the manufacturers name “Airies“on it.
My wife and I rode our quads from the bottom to Gold Bridge and back the next weekend looking for it and no luck. if found please call John 604-539 8166. I can`t get warranty without it. Thanks