The Hurley is reported to be rough on the hills. A vehicle lost it’s load about 2km after the steel bridge, Gold Bridge bound so watch for debris on the road. Several people have commented on the amount of 2 wheel drive cars on the road. The popularity of Semaphore Lakes is likely contributing to this. Last long weekend there were over 100 vehicles parked at the trail head!
This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road conditions to or post in the comments below.
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Oct 4th. Hurley is decent from Lillooet lake rd to Tenquille FSR, recently graded.
Once you crest the Hurley peak, its endless washboard and potholes.
The rainstorm this morning made it worse. Plenty of traffic coming over on a Friday night. tearing up the road from the muddy conditions.
have fun be safe, and let your vehicles suspension enjoy the workout.
The hurley from the summit to the East spur was awful Sept 7th when I took it. Needs to be graded way more often. Worst I have seen this section in a decade.