The Hurley is currently being graded and the operator is working hard under the not so great conditions. Snow came down low last night and the summit may have snow on the road this morning.
This is an update from the operator.
Over the last three years that we have been looking after the grading and opening of the Hurley I have heard nothing but compliments about our work, we do the best we can with what we have to work with, aside from folks over using the road when it is good , not using four wheel drive when travelling it.
Bragging about 45 minutes from Gold Bridge to pavement in Pemberton, abuse the road and it won’t last.
From the 0-17 Km from gold bridge there is materials to grade with, from the 17- Pemberton there is nothing.
The last time this road was surfaced was in 1995 , I know because hauled the gravel along with other trucks. No major surfacing has been done since then. We work with no material to make the best of it .
Come hop in my grader with me and see what it’s like .
If you want to make a difference, put pressure on your MLA and Regional director as well as Forestry to find some funding for a gravel program and bring this road up to the standard it should be for 100 plus vehicles a day ( 300 plus last counter so I’m being nice about it).
But flip me the bird when I’m doing g the best I can with what I’m working with , not cool .
This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road conditions to or post in the comments below.
If you choose to drive the Hurley at this time of the year be prepared to experience all kinds of weather and winter driving conditions. Winter driving skills, 4×4, chains and good snow tires are essential for travel. A survival/safety kit are good things to carry in your truck. Conditions can change fast at anytime up there with the fluctuating temperatures & weather. Current conditions may not be reported on this site. Have a safe drive.
Support this website and order your Hurley t-shirts in blue or white, bumper stickers, can coolers & new trucker hats. New this month – Kids T-Shirts available in red and XXXL Adult T-shirts in blue. Click here to purchase Hurley merchandise. Thank you for your road updates and support and please slow down and drive responsibly.

Appreciate the maintenance work that’s done on a shoestring budget. Keep it up!
I travel the Hurley (all/some/part) monthly and this is the best I’ve seen it in 10 years. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts to keep us all safe and moving. It hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Thank you very much for your hard work. Passed through the Hurley today, all was smooth and absolutely no snow.
Thats sucks about people giving you the bird. Good info about the need for funding to bring this road up to snuff. Thanks for doing the best you can with what you’ve got, C.