Nov 18 UPDATE: Road has been plowed and cold temps are keeping the snow road in good shape, watch out for slippery sections. Reports of a flipped truck up there on Friday! Single lane traffic for 1km at the summit. Road have been plowed into the cut blocks now which suggests the logging will continue! Please email to report conditions or post a comment if you sled or drive over. Thanks to Cliff for the photo below and thanks to all the Hurley drivers for commenting on the conditions.
The first big winter storm of the season hit us on Wednesday bringing over 12 inches / 30 cm of snow to the Bridge River Valley and to Pemberton! Snow conditions on the Hurley are unknown at this time but are assumed to be DEEP! A plowing update will be given if anymore plowing is done. Who’s going to be the first sledder over the Hurley?

Nov 18th Hurley is plowed and in good driving condition for cars with or trucks with snow tires..
Hurley is open for business – the grader was out as we were driving across. In my opinion any 4wd will get across right now, although it is a little slippery on the Pemberton side from about the 15km point down into the valley. I’ll send a few photos when I get home tonight.
daron came through today and said East hurley is pretty bad but the rest is drivable ..
Planning to cross tomorrow towing a trailer. I will report my success (or lack thereof) from Pemberton…
Did they plough the road after this last dump? Anyone get through there since the last snowfall