Nov 4 UPDATE: Hurley has been plowed and several trucks with winter tires came over today.
Nov 2 UPDATE: It’s snowing hard on the Hurley at 5pm! Warmer temps are making the road surface slippery. Check back for the next plowing update, the logging company will be working for a few more weeks and will be plowing the road when they require access. Caution – the plowed road surface is icy!
Oct 31 UPDATE: Road has been plowed and is reported to be driveable but slippery! Expect winter driving conditions and drive at your own risk!
Oct 29 UPDATE: Road condition is slick and being plowed by a grader. The logging company is still working up there.
Oct 28 UPDATE: 1 foot of snow at the summit! Road is reported to be icy. Snow from Tenquille to Hope.
Winter tires and chains are recommended for travel with 4×4. The Hurley is closed to 2wd traffic for the winter.
Thanks to Sal and Mike for the photos and road report! email if you have road conditions to report
enough snow yet to go for a ski tour up there?
A dual purpose dirt bike heading to the summit slidding as he is going up as it was wet hard packed snow. He was headed from the Gold Bridge end to the summit.