Update on Hurley maintenance from Sal Demare. As some have seen the hill coming up from the Lillooet FSR and the hill going up from Gold Bridge have been graded. Due to unforeseen circumstances Bridge River Valley Mechanical was not available to grade this month, so the Ministry filled in with another contractor. The Ministry…
Slow Food Cycle
Today is the annual Slow Food Cycle in the Pemberton Meadows. Expect the following road closures on route to the Hurley. Once again this year, in the interest of participant safety, Pemberton Meadows Road will be closed to vehicle traffic from 10 am – 3 pm today for the Slow Food Cycle Sunday event. The road will…
July 18 Update
We drove the Hurley river road yesterday (18 July) from Gold Bridge to Pemberton. It’s dry (and dusty!) with loose gravel in parts but otherwise driveable (no slips, trees down etc) and in good condition for a back country track. Definitely needs 4×4 though. Saw someone driving up in a regular car and hoped they…
June 18 Update
Rode the Hurley on June 14 with the road in decent condition. The mud is all dried up and there’s almost no snow whatsoever aside from a few small patches here and there on the side of the road. Cheers! @robwilson.photography New to the online store this year are navy blue Hurley T-shirts and new stickers….
Lost Licence Plate
Someone from Pemberton SAR is missing a licence plate. If it’s you, I can tell you where to find it. Email us at info@bridgerivervalley.ca New to the online store this year are navy blue Hurley T-shirts and new stickers. This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road conditions to info@bridgerivervalley.ca…

Hurley Grading
The Hurley is getting rough in spots and Scott will be starting to grade it tomorrow. Give the machine some space to work and only pass when safe to do so and the operator has seen you. This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road conditions to info@bridgerivervalley.ca or post…

Driving with Moose
Thanks to Ian and Beth for sharing their story and video. We hope it will be a learning experience on how to share the road with moose and other wildlife. Driving to Pemberton yesterday we were behind a vehicle that was following a moose and running it down the road. The moose would not get…

May 20 Update
Reports coming in of the Hurley being in great shape, except for some deep muddy sections at the summit. One car was stuck in the mud today and a truck pulled them out. Thanks to Deb Williamson for the photo. This site is based on Hurley driver updates so please email new road conditions to…

Hurley is Open!
Hurley is open Wednesday May 15 at 5:00pm. The road is single lane with lots of pullouts, trailer friendly, road is icy so have chains or sandbags or winter tires. There is a layer of ice on the road that is breaking up so if travelling it the next few days use a 4×4 vehicle….

May 14 Update
Scott has started to plow the road and has made some progress but the road is NOT open yet. Please give Scott space to work and do not drive up to see if you can get through. As soon as Scott has finished working and the road is open, it will be posted with the…

May 2 Update
Update May 11 – Dozer moved today to Hope creek. Snow starts at Donnley Creek. Will start plowing Monday. Thanks to Sal DeMare for submitting the latest opening update from BJ Moore, Cascades District Engineering Officer. Further updates will be posted as they come in. Good morning. We’ve received another update from the avalanche tech…

April 28 Update
Thanks to Sal Demare and BJ Moore from MoF for the first opening update of the season. The Avalanche Tech is waiting to reassess after this wet weather works its way through the area. Green Mtn has not had any full depth events yet but they could come around May 2nd. We expect to hear…

Hurley Road Snow Update
Thanks to Conny for sending in this update on the road conditions. I flew over the Hurley yesterday. If you are thinking of sledding across, heads up, there is about 1-3 km of open gravel just north of the Hope Creek bridge. It is off and on dirt and snow from about the 15km bridge…

Hurley Washout
After all that rain the Hurley has a washout on the Pemberton side, about 7km up on the Lillooet River FSR. Thanks to Ray Mason for the update and photo. Kathy from Backcountry Snowcats sent in some more photos.
Nov 25 Update
Thanks to Patty for this update. Drove up Nov. 25 at about 2:30pm. Pmby to BRV. All good until the tenquille turn off. The snow starts about there and it starts to get icy as you climb Single track and and very deep as you progress to the summit. Very sloppy at the top and…