The Goat Mt Produce Stand is Open at the base of the Hurley! Make sure you have cash with you when you travel the Hurley so you can purchase some Potatoes, Beets, Corn and a refreshing drink from the fridge. A trailer hitch was lost on the Hurley this week. If anyone finds it please…
Lightning Strike Fires on the Hurley
A huge lightning storm rolled through on Saturday night and lasted all night long. As a result of the lightning strikes, 4 fires are burning on the Hurley Road today. The Lillooet Fire Zone is currently actioning all fires with tanker support to hold the line as crews make their way back into the bush….
Resource Road Safety Guide
The BC Forest Safety Council (BCFSC) has released an updated Resource Road User Safety Guide. It is intended for recreational users or industrial traffic unfamiliar with travelling on resource roads (e.g. delivery vehicles, mining, land surveying, etc.). This guide lets readers know what to expect on resource roads and some things travelers should do to…
East Hurley is Open!
The East Hurley is OPEN! Huge thanks to Hazelwood Construction for fixing the washout! Hazelwood are in the BRV for the next 2 years working on the Sequoia Energy Jaime Creek Project. The Bridge River Valley thanks you Hazelwood Construction! Grading Update from Debbie Demare: Steel bridge past Hope Creek graded (roughly). Switchbacks below Sampson…
July Grading Update
The Hurley has been pretty rough lately with no grading since the snow was removed. Last week MOF graded their section on the Gold Bridge side and this week Interior Roads have started work on their section of road. Only a short section has been graded and the grader was parked and didn’t move yesterday. …
East Hurley Washout
The East Hurley experienced a washout sometime on Saturday night and the road remains closed. This is at the first culvert approx 3km after the split on the main Hurley. Local Area A Director Debbie Demare has made the Ministry Of Transportation aware of the washout. However, she notified them three times about the avalanche…
June 16 East Hurley Update
The avalanche debris is 4.6 kms from the steel bridge and 8.8 kms from Bralorne. It is approximately 100 ft long and right now the debris is piled up between 10-20 ft for most of that length. The debris field contains a fair amount of snow at the bottom, large boulders, large trees, mud and…
June14 Update
From the Pemberton side up to approx 2 kms towards the summit past the Tenquille Lake branch has not been graded for some time and the road bed is full of large and larger rocks sticking up. One needs to be cautious on this section. The Hurley River is running hard and is at road…
Photo Contest Winner!
Thanks to everyone who sent in photos of opening weekend on the Hurley! The winning photo’s were of something you don’t often see walking down the road…… a beaver! Congratulations to Matt Smith for winning a “I Survived The Hurley” T-Shirt and sticker. Thanks for sharing these photos with us Matt! We are still looking…
East Hurley
A lot of people have been asking if the East Hurley Road to Bralorne is open. These images should answer that question! No it’s not open! A huge avalanche came down this spring, bringing a lot of forest debris down with it. Until this debris is cleared off the road, the East Hurley will remain…
Opening Weekend!
The Hurley is in great shape! The top 5km at the summit is still muddy/snowy/rough and the rest of the road has been graded. The switchbacks on the Pemberton side are in good condition too, as good as they get! The East Hurley is still closed due to the large pile of avalance debris covering…
Hurley is Open Today!
Interior Roads were able to finish clearing the Hurley a day earlier than expected and it’s open today! Yaaaay! 2wd not recommended. We are looking for some awesome opening weekend Hurley photos! The best photo entries will win a Hurley T-Shirt. Send your photos to to enter the contest by early next week! We…
Hurley Opening Friday!
HURLEY IS OPEN Thursday May 31! We just received word from Interior Roads that they have almost completed clearing snow from the summit of the Hurley! The road should be open for Friday, just in time for the weekend!! Another update will be made when it’s officially open. If you are coming over on Friday…
Snow Clearing Update Continued….
The crew is still working on clearing the snow at the summit but progress slowed right down after the bigger D8 working the Pemberton side broke down. Talking with the workers yesterday, they still have about 2.5 km to go. At the rate they have been moving it could take another 5 days to…
Snow clearing update
MOF has finished clearing the avalanche debris and grading and brushing of their section will be finished by the end of the week. Interior Roads are back at work plowing the summit after getting avalanche clearance from the technicians today. They have two cats working in 12 feet of snow. They are approaching the summit…