Nov 18 UPDATE: Road has been plowed and cold temps are keeping the snow road in good shape, watch out for slippery sections. Reports of a flipped truck up there on Friday! Single lane traffic for 1km at the summit. Road have been plowed into the cut blocks now which suggests the logging will…
Nov 14 Update
The road has been plowed and is reported to be in good winter condition for those who are prepared. It’s receiving lots of traffic and the Conservation Officer was even up there checking hunters! Temp was -9c at the summit . Thanks to Mike for the update & photos.
Nov 12 Update
Winter is back on the Hurley! Conditions on the road yesterday were challenging with new snow on top of ice and today the snow is even deeper. Reports in from today up to 2 feet of new snow at the summit & conditions a bit sketchy! No plowing is being done. Thanks to Brad…
Nov 10 Update
Rain mixed with snow and ice! It’s been raining/snowing on the Hurley and it has not been plowed. This drive is for experienced drivers who are prepared for self rescue and it is not recommended. It’s that time of the year to enter and exit the Bridge River Valley via Route 40 to Lillooet. …
November 8 Hurley Update
Thanks to logging company Interwest for extending the driving season of the Hurley for us this year! The road is being plowed by the grader after each big snowfall to keep it clear for hauling until the end of the month. Vehicles equipped with winter tires and 4×4 are reporting some icy sections. Chains are…
Hurley Update Oct 28 – Nov 4
Nov 4 UPDATE: Hurley has been plowed and several trucks with winter tires came over today. Nov 2 UPDATE: It’s snowing hard on the Hurley at 5pm! Warmer temps are making the road surface slippery. Check back for the next plowing update, the logging company will be working for a few more weeks and will…
Hurley Road Avalanche Zone
Have you ever wondered why plowing on the Hurley Road is delayed on big snow years? The avalanche danger from the Green Mountain ridge is the main reason. This photo from shows the avalanche paths that on some years, has covered the Hurley Road. The avalanche path area starts at the Green Mt branch…
Have you Survived the Hurley?
Do you have a story to tell about the Hurley Road? Wildlife encounters, backcountry recreation, crazy weather, road encounters – if it happened on the Hurley, we want to hear about it! We are looking for stories and photos of your adventures over the Hurley. Please email to share your story and have it…
Hurley Update – Oct 16 2011
The Hurley is in overall rough shape! The switchbacks on the Pemberton side are in unusually great shape, however the rest of the road is covered in pot holes. The snowline is getting lower up high and snow has already fallen down to that elevation, it is currently snow free but not for long. Good…
Goat Mountain Produce Stand
The Goat Mountain Produce Stand for honest people is open! Bring some cash for your drive over the Hurley and pick up some fresh grown Pemberton spuds, baby beets & farm eggs. Drinks also available for that dusty drive over the pass! Corn and carrots will be ready later than normal this year. Thanks to…
May Ski Touring on the Hurley
Late spring/early summer is a great time for ski touring on the Hurley, especially when the road has been plowed and you can ski right from the vehicle and no snowmobile access is required. This year the plowing was not finished until June 7, a combination of deep snow and mechanical problems. This group skied…
June 7 2011 the Hurley is Open!
The Hurley is finally open for the 2011 season! The D6.5 dozer has been working since May 15 to clear all the snow and had some mechanical issues resulting in the delay in opening. It’s been plowed double wide at the top and is in great shape!
Hurley Road Responsibility Changes
There have been some recent changes in who is responsible for the Hurley Road. It was descovered that 22km of the Hurley FSR was improperly tenured over the Hurley Public Road. Please read the letter below from the Ministry of Forests which explains the recent changes.
May 23 2010 – Hurley Opening
The Hurley is open in time for the end of the long weekend! Thanks to Ken Conway-Brown from Ministry of Forests for these images.
May 6 2010 – Hurley Avalanche Fly Over
The Ministry of Forests flew over the Hurley today with the avalanche technicians to check for possible avalanche danger on the road before plowing starts. Thanks to Ken Conway-Brown from MOF for these images.